Monday, November 17, 2014

Charity Bootcamp 2014 - Body Buster Fitness Langley

Donate to a great charity this holiday season 
and have fun doing it...

Yes, we're at it again! The BODY BUSTER CHARITY BOOTCAMP is back! Last year we had a great turn out and brought in a ton of donations for a Langley charity! This year, we are giving back to the community again...Body Buster-style. Get in the holiday spirit, give back and get a great work out! See YOU there!

100% of Proceeds will be donated to the Langley Christmas Bureau.
Be sure to RSVP...ASAP! See Poster Below for more info.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Indoor Boot Camp Langley

The colder weather is here to stay but don't let the Fall/Winter sabotage your workouts! 

The colder seasons can often throw a wrench into your exercise routine. There's no daylight when your alarm clock goes off in the morning and the cold, rainy weather means you'll be spending much more time indoors. Your regular outdoor activities turn into indoor ones where we certainly do not move around as much. Naturally, the darkness and colder weather can put a damper on your fitness motivation...but hey, we won't let that to happen to you! 

Indoor workouts have never been so fresh! Get a hardcore workout with Body Buster Fitness while staying warm and dry over the cooler months. Keep your indoor workouts interesting and exciting as no  single class is EVER the same. As your drive to maintain your fitness and health routine may start to dwindle, Body Buster trainers give you the motivation you need to stay on track, push you to the next level and keep you accountable.

We want to see you in the November 17th Body Buster Program! 

Make a comittment to your health before those "winter blahs" hit and make some serious positive changes to your fitness and well-being.